Our Vestry
Mickey Baccoli, Senior Warden
Rick Ammenhauser, Junior Warden
David Wegner, Treasurer
Kimberly DeSanto
Amanda Wrazien
Thomas Hoppel
Diane Kraus
Anne Cianfichi
Saturday Evening: 5PM Vigil Eucharist
Sunday Morning: 10AM Sunday Eucharist
Services are live streamed on the St. Luke’s Facebook page and may be accessed by clicking here.
For a complete schedule of our parish worship services, classes, and events please visit our This Week at St. Luke’s page.
In a Pastoral Emergency, please contact— If you or a family member are in the hospital, health care facility, or are home bound and would like to have a visit from a priest or a member of our Pastoral Care Committee, please contact the parish office at 570-324-7654.
Due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, commonly known as HIPAA, the hospitals no longer automatically provide churches with the names of admitted parishioners. St. Luke’s church complies with all HIPAA requirements and cannot provide personal information for sick or injured members without permission of the member or his or her close family member.
Office hours – The physical parish office is open Tuesday – Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. You may call 570-342-7654 or reach us via email at StLukesScranton@verizon.net.