The Third Sunday in Lent
March 22nd, 2025 – March 29th, 2025
Welcome to This Week at St. Luke’s for the week of March 22 – March 29, 2025.
This weekend we will be celebrating Holy Eucharist at both our services with Father Parry, and Stations of the Cross and Compline again on Friday as we continue our journey together through Lent. Many thanks to all who assisted in the Ante-Communion services last weekend for the Second Sunday in Lent.
A reminder as we cross the middle of the the Lenten season – Sundays in Lent are still Feast Days of our Lord, and our fasts may be relaxed! Have that chocolate donut at coffee-hour if you wish.
Tuesday is another Major Feast: The Annunciation of our Lord, celebrating the Angel Gabriel offering to Mary the good news that she will bear the Son of God and her acceptance. In other words, Tuesday of this week marks nine months before Christmas! When visiting St. Luke’s, be sure to see our beautiful Annunciation window, an import from England, the first on the lectern side beside the Baptismal Font.
Please scroll down for the weekly schedule, important announcements and upcoming events, livestream links, and our parish prayer list.
Saturday, March 22
The Third Sunday in Lent
- 5pm Holy Eucharist Rite I (Said)
Sunday, March 23
The Third Sunday in Lent
- 11am Holy Eucharist Rite I (Sung)
Monday, March 24
Tuesday, March 25
The Annunciation of our Lord
- 7pm – Daughters of the King
Wednesday, March 26
Thursday, March 27
- 5:30pm Centering Prayer
Friday, March 28
- 7PM Stations of the Cross and Compline
Saturday, March 29
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
- 5pm Holy Eucharist Rite I (Said) for the Fourth Sunday in Lent
Livestream Links:
Our livestreamed services are available on our website’s Livestream page, or may be viewed via our Facebook Page or the following YouTube links (links will be posted within 6 hours of the service):
View the Service Leaflet for the Third Sunday in Lent
5pm Saturday (Vigil) Said Holy Eucharist Rite I for the Third Sunday in Lent
11am Sunday Sung Holy Eucharist Rite I for the Third Sunday in Lent
7pm Stations of the Cross and Compline
Service Leaflet for Stations of the Cross
Sermons are posted on both our Facebook Page and our Youtube Channel.
REMINDER! Our Sunday Holy Eucharist is now 11AM!
Lenten Offerings for Music and Maintenance On the table in the back of the nave, please find envelopes labeled for special Lenten offerings to support our music and maintain our buildings. Throughout Lent and Holy Week, we will be enjoying the voices of four professional choristers, and your donation helps to sponsor their hire. And, as ever, our older buildings require constant care. Offerings may also be made through our Donate page.
The Daughters of the King Service Project – Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing through the Lenten season, the Daughters of the King will be collecting gently used foundational garments (i.e. bras) and new underwear (with tags) for women in need. Please place your donation in the blue bin at the back of the nave.
Offering for Easter Flowers – Easter Altar flowers can be ordered in memory of, or in honor of, family and friends. Envelopes are available in the service leaflets, on the table in the Nave, or if you use offering envelopes, you will find one specially marked. Please submit your offering for inclusion in the printed service leaflet no later than Sunday, April 13, 2025.
Easter Basket Donations – St. Luke’s will again be collecting Easter Baskets to be distributed by the Friends of the Poor. Last year, with our help, Friends of the Poor distributed 3,200 baskets. Baskets must be wrapped in clear cellophane and can include stuffed animals, candy, and small toys. Baskets for teens might include lotions, lip gloss, etc. The deadline for donating a basket is Sunday, April 14, 2025. There will be a table in Kreitler Hall where your donation can be left. If you have any questions, please see Sharon Sollami.
Free Little Library – The Free Little Library in the Warren Memorial Garden is in need of books. Donations can be put directly in the library as space allows, or can be added to the tote in the coat closet in Israel Lounge
Servers Needed – Lectors, Intercessors, Ushers, and more! – As we move through Lent toward Holy Week, parishioners will find many opportunities to serve in the roles featured in our services. Training is always available if a position is new to you. Sign-up sheets are located in Israel Lounge.
Thank You To our special ministers at last week’s worship services and our coffee-hour hosts!
In Our Prayers
Please keep the following in your prayers this week: Jordan, Frank, Elaine, Lynn, Mary Jane, Robin, Heather, Chase, Carol, Stacy, Isabella, Will, Dave, Philomena, Kyle, John, Diane, Jeanette, Anne, Rick, Amy, Mario, David, Canon Bill+, Charles, Richard, Laura, and Todd.
And the departed: Ralton, Al, Craig+, Fran, Ruth, Jan, Father Dan+, and Leona. May they rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon them.
Access Online Giving: