Reaching Out Together
Although worship is central to parish life at St. Luke’s, our downtown location and vibrant community offers many opportunities for God’s love to enrich our own lives and those of others.

Music at St. Luke’s
With our Professional Choristers lead by Organist and Choirmaster Maria Zengion, worship at St. Luke’s emphasizes the Anglican tradition of celebrating God’s glory through music. Aside from our weekly Sung Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 11am, St. Luke’s also hosts concerts by artist-in-residence The Lyric Consort, the Arcadia Chorale, Voce Angeli, and the NEPA Philharmonic, among other local talents. For more information about upcoming concerts at St. Luke’s, please see our annual Music Brochure.

Holy Hikes
An official ministry of St. Luke’s, Holy Hikes Northeast Pennsylvania regularly treks into the beautiful natural surroundings of our region to walk and worship together. Often celebrating the Eucharist “on the trail” Holy Hikes brings together the sacrament of the altar and the sacramental presence of God in Creation. Please watch for announcements of the next hiking location on our Facebook Page and join us in the great outdoors on the third Saturday of each month. For more information, check out our brochure.

Cypress House at St. Luke’s Bakery
Cypress House is a non-profit organization affiliated with St. Luke’s, aspiring to help incarcerated people get back on their feet through employment, vocational training, and educational opportunities at a future central-city bakery located in St. Luke’s Parish House. For more about Cypress House, please visit their website at

Centering Prayer
Developed by three Cistercian monks in the mid-20th century, Centering Prayer is a method of deepening one’s relationship with God through silent, receptive prayer. Our Centering Prayer group meets Thursday evenings at 5:30pm. For more information on Centering Prayer, download the brochure from Contemplative Outreach.

Adult Formation and Bible Study
Throughout the year, St. Luke’s offers opportunities for adults to gather around Scripture and discuss faith, theology, and the many ways God is active and present in our lives as we grow and learn together. Watch our This Week at St. Luke’s page for upcoming opportunities to gather and share in the Word of God.

Satellite Food Pantry
On the 3rd Tuesday of each month, St. Luke’s opens its doors to the community to host a food pantry in partnership with the Scranton area non-profit organization Friends of the Poor. If you or someone you know are in need, or if you would like to volunteer to assist with the food pantry, please contact Sharon Sollami.

The Daughters of the King
An order of women dedicated to prayer, service, and evangelism, the Daughters of the King focus their efforts on the needs of the parish, women, and children. At St. Luke’s, the St. Elizabeth Princess of Hungary chapter of the Daughters of the King meets on the last Tuesday of each month for group prayer and planning of activities.

Godly Play Sunday School
For our youngest parishioners, St. Luke’s offers Godly Play, a Montessori-based curriculum, for Sunday School. Sunday School begins at 10:30am, allowing the children to rejoin the worship service in time for Holy Communion.

The Warren Memorial Garden
Located beside the church, the Warren Memorial Garden offers a beautiful green space to enjoy the outdoors in the shadow of St. Luke’s bell tower. Curated and cared for by a committee of parishioners on the second Saturday of each month, the garden sports hydrangeas and holly, roses and bell flowers, a spring-blooming weeping cherry and a smattering of Easter tulips and hyacinths. A Little Free Library offers books to the community – donations of books for the library are always welcome!

Social Justice
In accordance with The Episcopal Church as a denomination, all are welcome at St. Luke’s, and we strive for a diverse and equitable community. St. Luke’s stands in solidarity with the marginalized, the impoverished, the incarcerated, the immigrant and refugee, and all those effected by racism and prejudice of any kind.
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