5 May 2024
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Dear St. Luke’s parish,
For everything there is a season, as Ecclesiastes tells us, and I need to share with you the bittersweet news that my season as your rector will come to an end on Sunday, June 16, 2024, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. I have accepted a call as Dean and Rector of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Buffalo in the Diocese of Western New York.
I am grateful to have shared in ministry with you here in the heart of things in Scranton over the past eight years, and leaving you all will be difficult. I know there will be challenges, financial and otherwise, as we, in our respective ways, live into a future church that may not look like the past, but as we know, God’s Spirit is always doing a new thing.
Whenever there is a change in clergy leadership, everyone involved may experience mixed feelings of gratitude and anxiety, grief and hope about the future. For now, we have some holy time to celebrate and give thanks to God for the privilege and blessing of our time together. Upon my departure and in the absence of an interim, the wardens are canonically responsible for the worship, finances, property and administration of the parish. We will be working together over the next six weeks, to document and distribute responsibilities appropriately. The Bishop and diocesan staff will provide support and guidance as you transition to whatever comes next.
As I serve as President and CEO of Cypress House at St. Luke’s, I will be tendering my resignation in that capacity, as well.
It is customary that former clergy do not function as pastor or priest, and do not officiate at baptisms, weddings, and funerals, nor involve themselves in the parish or with parish members for a time after their departure.
Know that you are, and will remain in my prayers, and before the end of my tenure here, I hope to have the chance to say good-bye to each of you personally and to celebrate our time together.
With love and with confidence in God’s care for us all,
The Rev’d Rebecca A. Barnes, Rector
The Reverend Rebecca A. Barnes, a native of Northeastern Pennsylvania, was called as Priest-in-Charge of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in November of 2015, and as Rector in 2021. She previously served as Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Inwood, in New York City, and as Assistant Rector of St. Ignatius of Antioch Church on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
(Photo: Jake Danna Stevens, AP)
The Reverend Rebecca A. Barnes, a native of Northeastern Pennsylvania, was called as Priest-in-Charge of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in November of 2015. She previously served as Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Inwood, in New York City, and as Assistant Rector of St. Ignatius of Antioch Church on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
Mother Barnes is a graduate of the General Theological Seminary, New York City where she earned a Master of Divinity degree, cum laude, and a Master of Sacred Theology degree. She also holds Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and German from Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York and a Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from the Manhattan School of Music in New York City.
Walking with people and helping them deepen their faith and a greater awareness of God’s presence is a passion for her. She is particularly drawn to social justice ministry, outreach, pastoral care, and contemplative spirituality and prayer.
Since coming to St. Luke’s, she has worked with the parish in establishing a separate 501(c)3, Cypress House at St. Luke’s and serves as its President and CEO. The mission ministry of Cypress House at Saint Luke’s is to offer social services in the greater Scranton area. Its inaugural project will be a bakery modeled after Homeboy Industries of LA that will be a prison re-entry program.
Mother Barnes serves on the Commission for Ministry, and the Commission for Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem. She is a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer and Certified Facilitator Trainer with Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.
She is also active in the greater community and currently serves as president of the Scranton Area Ministerium; is a commissioner on the City of Scranton Human Relations Commission; a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee; Chaplain of the NEPA Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and serves on the board of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Choral Society. Her hobbies include traveling for religious pilgrimage or leisure, photography, and history.
Below is a link to a story on The Rev’d Rebecca A. Barnes that ran in the Scranton Times-Tribune.